…thoughts on ServiceNow and digital transformation


Convert a javascript object JSON to XML in ServiceNow

This documentation page states that

The toXMLDoc() method returns JSON provided as XML elements.

however the page does not provide any examples or syntax reference.

I tried my darnedest to get it working but was unsuccessful. Here’s what I tried

var header = {};
header.AuthenticationHeader = 'test';

var output = new XMLHelper().toXMLDoc(JSON.stringify(header));
//*** Script: null

var output2 = new XMLHelper().toXMLDoc(header);
//Script: [#document: null]

//Script: [#document: null]

//*** Script: object

//*** Script: {}

Under the hood, the method in the XMLHelper script include looks like this:

    // borrowed and modified from: http://goessner.net/download/prj/jsonxml/json2xml.js
    toXMLDoc : function(o, leaveBlanks) {
       return GlideXMLUtil.parse(this.toXMLStr(o, leaveBlanks));

While there is some documentation for GlideXMLUtil, it doesn’t explain the parse method and this API is probably in Java because I can’t find it in the script includes.

However, the XMLHelper script include also has a toXMLStr method which actually works. Though not documented, this community question provides the syntax:

var bodyObject={testContainer:[{child1: "test"},{child2: "test"},{child3: "test"}]};

var xObject = new XMLHelper().toXMLStr(bodyObject);

var writer=response.getStreamWriter();
