This documentation page states that
The toXMLDoc() method returns JSON provided as XML elements.
however the page does not provide any examples or syntax reference.
I tried my darnedest to get it working but was unsuccessful. Here’s what I tried
var header = {};
header.AuthenticationHeader = 'test';
var output = new XMLHelper().toXMLDoc(JSON.stringify(header));;
//*** Script: null
var output2 = new XMLHelper().toXMLDoc(header);;
//Script: [#document: null];
//Script: [#document: null];
//*** Script: object;
//*** Script: {}
Under the hood, the method in the XMLHelper script include looks like this:
// borrowed and modified from:
toXMLDoc : function(o, leaveBlanks) {
return GlideXMLUtil.parse(this.toXMLStr(o, leaveBlanks));
While there is some documentation for GlideXMLUtil, it doesn’t explain the parse method and this API is probably in Java because I can’t find it in the script includes.
However, the XMLHelper script include also has a toXMLStr method which actually works. Though not documented, this community question provides the syntax:
var bodyObject={testContainer:[{child1: "test"},{child2: "test"},{child3: "test"}]};
var xObject = new XMLHelper().toXMLStr(bodyObject);
var writer=response.getStreamWriter();